SExT Creative Facilitator, Elena here. Just like you, I have been itching for any and all updates from the SExT cast as they have made their way through the province of Saskatchewan. I am "The Girl That Was Left Behind". Yes, the FOMO is real. When the cast reaches a destination that has a good WiFi connection, I am inundated with photos and texts and stories and this shining face seemed to always be shining through. He is the talk of the tour and we have agreed that our first official Man Crush Monday #MCM goes to our amazing bus driver RICHARD! The cast got to interview him over dinner and this is what they had to say:
Richard is so great he remembers our props before we do! In addition to driving us safely to our destination, Richard also helps set up the show! He also takes us on adventures, showing us the beauty of Saskatchewan and its people. Richard also happens to know at least one person wherever we go (yes, he is the most popular man in Saskatchewan). Hopefully we get to take Richard home with us! What is your full name? Richard Alexander Schlichemeyer Where were you born? Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. I moved to La Ronge when I was 6. What do you love most about your job? Meeting new people all over Saskatchewan! What makes Saskatchewan so beautiful? The terrain. And there's no traffic! What's your favourite scene in SExT? The whole play! How it's done and how everyone is a part of it. Tell us one interesting fact about yourself. ​I have 10 sibilings! Today, the cast of SExT performs in La Loche and Buffalo Narrows as our national tour continues. Stay posted this week for daily blogs to come from our cast members!